
What’s not to like about Music? Music not only develops skills as a musician but also as a person. How many subjects offer you the opportunity to learn different pieces/skills whilst working with peers in a disciplined manner? Everyone can be a musician in the music room, it may not mean you become famous but you’ll have had fun whilst learning, working hard whilst having fun. There is no such thing as “I can’t” because you know something? With enough effort & hard work you will soon see that you certainly can!

Subject Area:Music
Head of Subject:Miss Thomas
Year 10 & 11 Course Title
GCSE Music OCR (9-1) J536
Year 10 & 11Exam Board and Course NumberQualification number: 601/8216/7
Coursework and Exam PercentagesExam: 25%

Coursework: 75% 

Year 10 & 11 Course Details:Integrated portfolio 30%- Performance on the learner’s chosen instrument or composition to a brief set by the learner.
Practical component 30%- Ensemble performance or composition to an OCR set brief.
Listening and appraising (exam) 40%- A written paper with CD. Aural recognition and context unheard/unfamiliar music from areas of study 2,3,4 & 5
Year 10 & 11 Number of lessons per week:2 lessons a week including an instrumental lesson provided free of charge by the Academy